By nature, I’m high strung. I’ve never really learned the
art of relaxing and my coping skills are non-existent. Once upon a time, a
therapist tried to teach me to meditate. I fell asleep. I watch Fight Club about once a month and
I still think to myself, “How hard can it be to find my zen?” Answer: very. So far, I have no Tyler
Durden or spirit animal. But I do have gargoyles.
I sat in silence enjoying a min-meltdown with the cat for
the better part of an hour. I should have been working on Alice. Her deadline
is 20 days away. Instead, an unexpected pet emergency severed my brittle grasp
on reality today and sent me running for one of the most difficult to write,
unpalatable sections of Memento Mori. Coming from the author, that says a lot.
But, it’s got the potential to be a thing of beauty. For once, I’m not afraid
of where it’ll take me.
One of the best things I took away from one of my literary
courses (apologies for blanking on the title of said course,) was the concept
of the Shitty First Draft (SFD). Most of my projects are in SFD form at the
moment and it’s taken a lot for me to accept that the first draft doesn’t have
to be perfect. It’s a draft. The
important thing is to get all the ideas down on paper before they disappear into
the ether that is my brain. And that’s exactly it. Half the time I feel like I’m
grasping at vapors.
The desire to be unique/creative can be as intimidating as
Julia Child at a bake sale. Even if you’re experimenting with an old idea, it’s
your job as a writer to present it as something fresh. My job as a horror
writer is a bit more tricky. I have to scare, scar, repulse, and ruin part of
you all while creating at least some redeeming element that keeps you reading.
Working on two major projects at once is beginning to seem
like merrily skipping into Mordor for shits and giggles. I don’t know what the
hell I was thinking. The Alice deadline is getting closer and I still have no
idea what I’m doing. Truth is, I had no idea in the first place. I’ve let
myself get so distracted with perfection that I seem to have forgotten that the
SFD is there to save me.
So, thank you Jennifer for trying to teach me to relax a bit
with my writing. Lord knows drilling that into my thick skull was no easy fete.
Four years later though, it’s finally sticking. Now, if I could find that damn
spirit animal, I’d be all set.
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